M.Abid Mehboob Headline

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Sugar use ranks 5th in our daily food

Pakistan Ranks 5th in sugar cane production Pakistan is at Number 15 in sugar production
 In Pakistan Per Ca pita consumption of sugar is 22 kg which is highest in south Asia 70%of
Sugar is used by industry n 30% is being used in houses all over the world 70% of world's sugar
is made from Sugar Cane n 30% by Sugar beat

 Researched By:M.Abid Mehboob


Reason due to which Pakistan lacks behind in Sugar Production

1. Brazil’s per Acre Yield of Sugar cane is 2100 Mound
While Pakistan’s Per Acre Yield of Sugar Cane is not more than 600 Mounds

2.On average  10.8% of Sugar cane is converted into Refined Sugar All over the World where As We in A Pakistan due to Old Technology convert 8.5% sugar, a difference of 22% which increases its manufacturing price 22% higher in Pakistan.

3. Sugar Cane by product bagasse is used for Electricity Production.
In Pakistan We Can Generate 2400MW Electricity from bagasse while there is a short fall of 5000MW of electricity in peak summer season

4.  64 out of total 81 sugar mills in Pakistan are of politions and their relatives who purchase sugarcane on credit n black mail farmers due to which farmers are switching to other cash crops like wheat, rice ,cotton etc

1. By converting by product of sugar cane molasses into Ethanol Pakistan can earn 145 million $ per year n by Blending of ethanol will reduce the transport sector GHG emissions by 3.6 million metric tons.
2.If we increase our per acre yield by 50% price of sugar could be brought to 50% less
3. By Increasing


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